Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Yay! It's Two Zero One Zero

I just learned that Asians have a different way of calling numbers, different from the english way. The english call 11 as eleven, 12 as twelve, 21 as twenty one, so on. The Asians, being smarter at Math have names only for numbers from 1 to 9 and, all other numbers are given names with this. 11 as one one, 12 as one two. I am an Asian too, and I never knew this! Maybe, the English have rubbed their butts too hard with us Indians that we've learnt their way of calling numbers. Thanks to my discovery, I am calling the new year as Two Zero One Zero .Yay!

We Asians have another reason to say Yay!, The tallest building in the world is now in Asia, in Dubai. The Burj Khalifa was inaugrated yesterday, taking records to new dizzy heights.If Usain's records are at all new levels, Khalifa's are nowhere in sights of being surpassable.

The world is now looking at Asia in awe, with mouths wide open.I did, I was spellbounded by the fireworks that went off when Khalifa was unveiled. The fountains at Burj Khalifa were so graceful in their dance, that they would make The Bellagio's dancing fountains hang their heads in shame. You must have seen the The Bellagio's world famous fountains behind George Clooney in Oceans'11,(or was it 13?)

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